Sue Colavito, MA
1759 NW Meadows Dr
McMinnville, OR 97128
Therapy Services
Individual therapy is helpful for
adults, adolescents, and children..
The client and I
develop a trusting relationship,
and together uncover
problems and develop solutions..
Indivdual therapy helps:
ï‚· Increase self-esteem
Decrease symptoms of stress
Reduce effects of Trauma
Develop mindfulness skills
Adjust to changes
ï‚· Develop goals
Personal Growth
ï‚· Increase successes
ï‚· Increase confidence.
Couples and Family
Maintaining healthy, long-term relationships is challenging when faced with life changes, miscommunication, and conflicts.
It also makes happiness elusive.
When a family member has problems the whole family suffers, especially when it involves a child or adolescent. Therapy can help the family identify the roots of the problems and guide the family to solutions.
Couple and Family Therapy helps:
ï‚· Increase communications
and understanding
ï‚· Identify and create solutions to decrease conflicts, improve interactions
ï‚· Strengthen bonds
ï‚· Adjust together to new
challenges that arise in life
Play and Art
Two forms of Play Therapy I use are Expressive Arts Therapy and Sand Play Therapy. Both allow children and adults to express symbolically what they find difficult to express verbally. Children and adolescents often try to describe what is troubling them. They struggle finding the words. Adults may find words constraining or inadequate.
Play Therapy combined with talk” therapy is a powerful combination to help:
ï‚· Increase cooperative behavior
ï‚· Increase self-esteem
Develop independence
ï‚· Improve school success
ï‚· Develop confidence.
Pastoral Counseling focuses on the healing, growth and the development of the whole person.
Incorporating the spiritual component in your life and therapy can help address difficult life situations.
Integration of the psychological and spiritual perspectives helps address many issues of life: meaning, direction, identity and self worth.
Pastoral Counseling helps:
Generate options and choices aligned with your values.
Strengthen inner resources
Grow in self awareness
ï‚· Increase sense of well
being and wholeness
Pastoral Counseling meets you where you are, no matter what your spiritual or religious affiliation.